Many primary teachers feel they lack the expertise, confidence and resources to deliver the quality religious education lessons they would like.
The Story Tent brings together the experience of Rose Castle Foundation in delivering Scriptural Reasoning in adult inter-religious dialogue and the Story Tent PhD research of Dr Anne Margaret Moseley which has highlighted the impact these encounters can have on primary aged pupils.
The Story Tent is an age-appropriate application of Scriptural Reasoning based on three underlying principles.
The Story Tent project has drawn attention to a number of significant factors that influence childrens' abilities to flourish in intercultural communication.
Dr Anne Margaret Moseley (B.Ed. MA, PhD)
Anne started out as a primary teacher in 1986, became a teacher-researcher in 2008 and is now a research tutor at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. Her research interests include action research methodology, scriptural reasoning with primary aged pupils and developing intercultural and interreligious competencies using story and dialogue. Skills include qualitative educational research, teaching and communicating, curriculum design, collaborative team building.
Nadiya Takolia (BA, MA)
Nadiya has nearly eight years of experience working in interreligious dialogue and reconciliation at the Cambridge Interfaith Programme and the Rose Castle Foundation, in particular in demonstrating and training people in Scriptural Reasoning, which she did in communities and with faith leaders and peacemakers in the UK and internationally. Her skills include facilitation, project management and communication.