This is where you can download plans for a Story Tent day. In fact there are three different day plans available, each based around a different question. To prepare for a Story Tent event you should choose one of these day plans, and three stories from a single themed group in the Story Bank.

Download PDF Files

Story Tent Days have been developed with three different Day Plans - each of them follows the same basic pattern, which is outlined here.

Click here to download the plans for Story Tent Day A (What Makes a Good Story?)

Click here to download the plans for Story Tent Day B (What Makes a Good Question?)

(Supporting resources for these day plans will be made available over the coming weeks)

(A further plan for Story Tent Day C (What Makes a Good Listener?) will be added over the coming weeks) 

Return to the Resources page.

Using the Day Plans

With each day plan you must also choose three stories from a single themed group in the Story Bank.

You will see that each Day comprises four sessions, with a variety of activities and learning objectives for each session. Each day plan is supported by additional downloadable resources.

Together, these resources will enable you to plan a great day for your classroom.